Traveller Needs - Out of Town

First, it's a major bad idea to post that you are out of town for your lonely, empty house. You are basically telling the world - "come and get it." So, usually, unless you've got someone staying there, send your social media posts after you return. 

We've learned that there are some really good things to do to ensure that your regular, non-city-trekking return to life is painless.

Mail Services

USPS has a set of great, free services. Informed delivery takes a photo of your incoming mail to get a heads up for important pieces that get delivered while you're away. 

You can hold your mail. The problem is that you can only hold for 30 days, and that you can only request one hold mail service at a time. 

You can forward your mail for short periods using Executive Mail Forwarding.

Have a Checklist for closing down the house

I'm notoriously forgetful, so make a checklist to ensure everything gets turned off, locked, put away,  covered, and stored. I use Google Keep, and you can download the checklist here:

Close up the house

[ ] Doors locked 

[ ] blinds closed

[ ] Pool bath door locked key on counter

[ ] Fans off

[ ] Clothes in dryer

[ ] Water Main Off

[ ] Hot water heater off

[ ] Stop the mail

[ ] Dishwasher empty

[ ] Outdoor furniture covered

[ ] Ring charged and on

[ ] Pool heater off

[ ] Pool pump set to 6 hours

[ ] Lights out

[ ] Television in

[ ] Bills and paperwork packed up

[ ] Extra key and key holder on grill

[ ] Turn off InstaHot

[ ] Turn off/Drain Spa

[ ] Disconnect car battery

[ ] Empty refrigerator

[ ] Grills tied down or inside garage

[ ] Turn off Dock lights by pool pump

[ ] Arrive

[ ] Pool heater on

[ ] Water heater

[ ] Water Main On

[ ] WiFi code

[ ] Ceiling fans

[ ] Garage door

[ ] GeoFence off

Remote Doorbells

I love my Ring Doorbells and remote cameras. I can answer the door while I'm away. I've let my workers in, given instructions for delivery, and in some cases have identified people who are nefarious in my neighborhood. Plus, you can see weather conditions, package deliveries, and many other benefits. All you need is WiFi! And the store is on Amazon!

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